Thursday, December 07, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Israel: the terrorist state, the rogue state, the failed state
(WASHINGTON, DC) (July 17, 2006) Developments in the Middle East permit only one conclusion: it is time for the United States to "cut and run" from Israel, not Iraq. The Israeli government has become the enemy of every American, and endangers every American with its suicidal policy of terrorizing the Middle East. Truly, the leading terrorist state, rogue state and failed state in the Middle East is Israel.
First, a timeline to the truth. President Bush and many world leaders have repeated the big lie that Hamas and Hezbollah "provoked" the latest war. That simply isn’t true. Palestinians voted in a free and fair election for a Hamas administration. Hamas was a party to a cease-fire.
Bush and Israeli leaders began a campaign of terror,
intimidation and assassination to undo a free and democratic election. Israel has committed genocide against the Palestinian people as a whole, and particularly against the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip. The Gazans who attacked Israeli military installations and took an Israeli soldier prisoner were only defending themselves in a war that Israel has continued relentlessly for decades. They only acted after decades of mealy-mouthed peace efforts by world leaders and the hypocrite-in-chief American President (insert name of your choice).
Israel responded to the military attack by launching a terror campaign against Palestinian civilians.
Hezbollah reacted in sympathy with Hamas, and sought to take the pressure off the besieged Palestinians. Who can condemn them for that? Hezbollah also attacked military targets. Once again, Israel responded by launching terror attacks against women and children, as the latest gruesome photographs now establish. Bottom line: Israel, not Palestinians, is the aggressor. Israel is the occupier.
Second, Ralph Peters is a columnist for the New York Post and author. We have disagreed on virtually everything concerning Iraq. I was right and he was wrong. But today he made some observations with which I agree. Peters writes that "Israel picked the wrong fight" by attacking innocent, civilian Lebanon. He's right.
Peters and I also disagree in that I once took a military oath of enlistment to defend the U.S. Constitution, and only the U.S. Constitution. Peters apparently took a loyalty oath to both Israel and the United States. That's a mistake.
I am not pro-Israel or anti-Israel, not pro-Arab or anti-Arab. I have only one loyalty, one priority, and one polestar: the interests of the United States of America and the U.S. Constitution. That's why Peters and I often part company: he wants to sympathize with Israelis; I only want to argue the vital interests of the American people and no one else.
Now, why is Israel the worst terror state, rogue state and failed state in the Middle East? Let’s look at the evidence.
First, terrorism. The state of Israel was created by terrorists, who terrorized the United Nations into partitioning the Palestinian Mandate. The nation was conceived and born in terrorism. (OK, so was the United States, but then that's another story.) Since its founding, Israel has maintained a policy of relentless terrorism against the lawful inhabitants of Palestine.
Israel could buy peace tomorrow by ending the occupation and agreeing to live in peace with its neighbors. But Israeli leaders don’t want peace any more than some Palestinians do. Both sides would have to yield their dreams to reality, and admit they might not get all they want in a final settlement. So the extremists on both sides, Israelis and Palestinians, find it more convenient to labor on with warfare.
Second, rogue state. Israel is a rogue state. Once again, Ralph Peters: "[The United States] can influence Israel. But we don't control Israel." I opposed the war in Iraq, but many Americans supported president Bush in 2003. Many people, including high elected and appointed officials, thought that by attacking Iraq they would open an avenue to peace. Today hundreds of thousands of Americans are in harm's way in the Middle East implementing President Bush's policies.
By launching it's terror war against Gaza and Lebanon,
Israel has all but destroyed President Bush's Iraq policy. It won’t be long before the Iraqi people are rising against their American occupiers, and we face a situation similar to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. There was never any chance that Bush's misguided and misinformed policies would succeed; but even if there was a slight chance, Israel's terrorism destroyed that remote possibility.
Despite the fact that American taxpayers subsidize Israel's warmongering, while Israeli investors take money out of that country and invest in New York real estate, Israel has betrayed President Bush. (Israeli real estate investors are voting with their dollars concerning the future they see for the Israeli state.) In other words, Israeli leaders have repaid Bush's loyalty with the treachery of an unprecedented campaign of terror against unarmed civilian populations.
Finally, failed state. Israel is a failed state. U. S. Senator Charles Schumer was quoted this weekend as saying Israel was created as a response to the Holocaust. Why should innocent Palestinians have been forced to pay for Europe's atrocities? Palestinians did not murder a single French Jew or German Jew or Polish Jew.
It is often said that Shakespeare gives some of the best lines to fools. The prime Minister of Iran has said some awful, foolish things about the Israelis. But he has also stated a truth that becomes more accepted in the world with each passing day: "Why make Palestinians and Arabs pay for the crimes of others, by allowing Israel to punish Palestinians and Arabs as payback for the European Holocaust?"
Today there is no prospect that Israel can ever be a nation in the normal sense of living in peace with its neighbors. Israel is too strong to be defeated, and the Arab world is also too strong to be defeated. Neither side can defeat the other. But Israeli dreams of superiority, hegemony and victory are just that: pipe dreams.
It is time for the United States to put America first, and
abandon Israel. Then maybe the Israelis will be forced to make peace.
President Bush's promise to shed American blood to defend Israel, while Israelis milk Israel to invest in New York, will not find the support of any rational American (but many craven politicians). The Israeli experiment has been tried, and failed. A state that can only exist by terrorizing its neighbors, by incinerating helpless and unarmed women and children, is a failed state in the truest sense of the word.
I realize that the Arab world is also populated by egregiously failed states. I do not stand up to defend the Mubarek dictatorship, or the insanity that was Iraq, or the Saudi conspiracy, or Libya under Ghadaffi. But none of these nations continues to prey on its neighbors the way Israel does. They are all failed states, but only one endangers America: Israel.
The Bush administration has made a great deal of Democratic Party dithering over whether to "cut and run" in Iraq. I'm not sure we can. Bush & Co. have made it impossible to just pull out of Iraq. But I am certain the president should announce that he is revoking a commitment to shed American blood for Israeli real estate investors, and that as of now Israel is on its own. Cut and run. Then, and only then, can a new day dawn in the Middle East, and can Americans expect to live in a more peaceful (but still dangerous) world.
I don’t wish Israelis harm. But I do wish they would stop harming their neighbors. And if we can’t stop them from being a terrorist state, at least we can admit Israel is a failed state and withdraw our encouragement and support for Israeli atrocities.
Andy Martin is the Executive Editor and publisher of © Copyright by Andy Martin 2006. Comments? E-mail: Media contact: (866) 706-2639. Andy is a Middle East expert who is Executive Director of the Revolutionary War Research Center. He has spent 36 years in and out of the Middle East and spent much of 2003 in Iraq
Posted by
7:53 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Israeli FM and her weird logic
Mohamed Chhilif
Posted by
7:05 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Child Abuse
The problem of child abuse has become very serious
Wafaa Al-Kredia
guest contributor
CHILD abuse is a worldwide problem and not only in
I have recently received a briefing about this problem in
Since doctors who might go public with cases of child abuse fear being harassed by the authorities or concerned families, they decide to drop the case. This doesn't mean that the problem doesn't exist; it does - as Dr. Huda confirmed - but we lack corroborating figures or reliable statistics.
According to the report sent to me, violence in the family is due to three principal reasons: the parents' psychological state, the existence of an aggressive child in the family or some event which has caused tension and stress within the family. Violence increases in such circumstances and, the report continues, are represented by the existence of disabled children or children suffering from malnutrition, unwanted pregnancy and families who are socially isolated or run financial troubles. Violent accidents occur, first and foremost, to the females in the family, said Dr. Huda.
He described his three crimes in full detail. In light of his confessions, he was given the death penalty. The story should have ended here, but it did not. There was another surprise for the court when the young man calmly stated that he had killed 35 women over the past two years. Although the judge laughed when he heard the number, the young man did not flinch. When the judge asked him why he had committed such crimes and against women in particular, the young man replied that he was avenging himself for a mother who had ill-treated him when he was a child. When he married, his wife treated him the same way.
My advice to mothers and wives, 'Don't be tough. Treat your husbands and children nicely. Beware violence and ill-treatment.'
Posted by
11:50 AM
The interview of Sky News with George Galloway
About the war in
- Question of Sky news: How can you justify your support to Hizbullah and his leader Sheikh Hassan Nasralla?
- Answer from
- Sky news: You put your finger on the button, didn't you? When you said that Hizbullah was set in the 1980s in order to remove every Israeli soldier from Lebanon and its soil and you said that they achieved that?
- Galloway: No, I didn't, this is a key point that you are concealing from your viewers. Israel was forced out of most of south Lebanon in 2000. It is still occupying a part of Lebanon and it has thousands of Lebanese prisons in Israeli jails.
- Sky news interrupting: According to Israeli draft, there are 3 Lebanese prisoners that were taken to court of law.
- Galloway: Please, have a slight longer memory than 4 weeks; I am talking about the thousands of Lebanese that were taken during the 18 years of Israeli illegal occupation of south Lebanon. These are the prisoners that have to be released in exchange for the Israeli soldiers that have been captured at the beginning of this wave of the crises.
- Sky news: can I ask you about a report that was today on the Sunday telegraph, which said that Iran has given Hizbullah long range missiles capable of targeting any part of Israel. Iran according to this Iranian NP who helped to establish Hizbullah who said that Iran is giving the organization authorization to attack Tel Aviv. Can you blame Israel for wanting to destroy these missiles?
- Galloway: too preposterous, America is giving Israel missiles that can target every part not only in Lebanon, but every city in the Arab and Moslem world including Iran. Why should America be allowed to give long range missiles to Israel including hundreds of nuclear missiles and Iran is not allowed to give to Hizbullah?
- Sky news, but they are a terrorist organization!
- Galloway:They are not a terrorist organization. Only in the mind of sky news, the sun, the times etc.
- Sky news, I will have to stop you there Mr Galloway, one man's terrorist, is another man's freedom's fighter. You know this perfectly well. In most people's eyes, (like the IRA), they had a choice,
- Galloway: They had nothing to do with the IRA, you are totally wrong to say that in most eyes, Hizbullah is a terrorist organization. In most people's eyes, Israel is a terrorist state. You cannot comprehend that fact that leads to the bias that's running through all your reports and every question you have asked me in this report.
- Sky news, hmm, can I ask you one more question, I was relating to the IRA that have decided to embrace politics. Hizbullah had the chance to embrace politics. They have 2 representatives in the cabinet, why did they capture 2 Israeli soldiers?
- Galloway: Because Israel occupies their country and hold thousand of their compatriots as kidnapped hostages in their dungeon. It is very simple unless you think in a clock that goes back only 4 weeks. If you know and you are old enough to know better, the origin of this conflict are not 4 weeks, 4 month or 4 years old, but decades old. You want people to think that the crises started when it started to tick on sky news?
- Sky news: No I don't, I wanna ask you one final question, do you think that the 4 weeks has set back Hizbullah's ambitions. Not only that Israelis are across the borders in sizable numbers, their claims to be a democratic organisation .... etc seems to blows now.
- Galloway: Silly question, what a silly person you are, Hizbullah is winning the war, you can see on the other half of the screen (clip of Israeli soldiers casualties was shown in the other half of the screen) . Hizbullah is more popular today in Lebanon amongst Christians, Sunni, shias and amongst all Arabs and Moslems than it has ever been. It is Israel who has lost the war and Bush and Blair for politically organizing the war, they have lost politically. It is a defeat for Israel and Bush and Blair. Everyone but you can see it.
- Sky news, Let me separate out that question then, set it in another way, Hizbullah was trying to get Israelis of their soil, aren't there more Israeli soldiers now than it was 25 days ago?
- Sky news, I must say, that some families will find it offensive when they moan their dead to hear you say it was a bloody good hiding.
- Galloway: You don't give a Damn, you don't even know about the Palestinian families, you don't even know that they exist. Tell me one name of the 7 family members slaughtered on the beach of Gaza by an Israeli warship. You don't even know their names, but you know the name of each Israeli soldier who was taken prisoner in this conflict, because you believe ,whether you know it or not, that the Israeli blood is more valuable than the blood of Lebanese or the Palestinians. That is the truth and the majority of your viewers already know it.
Posted by
1:05 AM
Monday, August 14, 2006
An Old Man
To his secluded nook he remains confined
Pressing his rosary bead after bead,
Chanting psalms for Him Whose Name is Glorified
And his Messenger the holder of the creed.
His face is all wrinkles and his body all through.
Each wrinkle tells the story of a painful and toilsome life.
Palsy shakes his frail body and his grey hair,
And lethe retards his perplexed brain.
Little lads and lasses we were when squatting around him
He told us wonderful stories of a bygone time.
"Glamourous was mine time ,lads, while thine is dim.
And cheerful were mine men with noble hearts
That were never grim."
Mohamed Chhilif
Posted by
11:23 PM
Like a Stargazer
Like a stargazer I spend my nights
Recalling a bygone time.
A genuine time oozing hours by hours.
Fading away and dissolving
Into the abyss of eternity.
"No time to waste," They say
In these folly-stricken days.
And nobody cares a straw about the destiny of humanity.
Of wisdom ancient philosophers spoke
And so did all the bards of the world.
Yet wisest is him who does not easily believe.
Belief nowadays is so hard an enterprise.
And likewise doubt is in no way a relief.
Forlorn am I in this world of hatred
Where kinship is forsaken
And bloodshed is the motto.
No love, no tolerance, no humanity
And man to man is for life an enemy.
Mohamed Chhilif
Posted by
6:30 PM
Friday, August 11, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Say No To Child Labour ( click here to watch the video )
Samira M.
Sixteen-year-old Samira M. has worked in “four or five houses” in
Samira M. summed up her most recent job, where she said she worked eighteen hours a day, without rest breaks or days off: “When you finish something you start something else—even sitting you have to be doing something, cleaning vegetables, something.” She said she especially disliked childcare responsibilities in this and some other jobs she has had: “They would go out and leave me with young babies and tell me to make bottles for them but I didn’t know how, and the babies would cry and keep me up at night.”
Samira M. told Human Rights Watch that her mother received 400 dirham (dh) per month (about U.S.$44) for Samira’s work, from which her mother paid 100 dh (about $11) to the broker who placed Samira, but that she herself received nothing. Samira said she was not sure of any other details of her parents’ agreement with the broker because her mother hadn’t taken her with her when the agreement was made: “My mother made the agreement and the broker took me to the house.” She told us that she didn’t object to working since her family needed the income, “but I wish it would be work that would be good work.”
Samira M. told us her last employer was often abusive: “She used foul language. She would say bad things about my mother or she would say she would bring the police to beat me. Sometimes she would hit me with her hand or choke me…. [I]f I didn’t bring things to [the employer’s mother] quickly enough [the mother] would complain and the employer would hit me.” She added that the employer kept her inside, and excluded her even from socializing with the other members of the household. “I would eat in the kitchen, whatever was left over. It wasn’t enough but I was afraid to complain lest she hit me or something. I slept in a small storage room under the stairs. It had been a bathroom and had a bad smell coming from the drain. It was very small, my feet would hit the door when I slept…. I didn’t go out except to take out the garbage.”
Samira M. might have tolerated these abuses until, as with her previous jobs, a religious festival gave her an excuse to go home, but she told Human Rights Watch that the hard work and lack of sleep became too much for her to bear. “I left without permission. I left because I was working from
Because she left without permission, and without money or a way to get back home, Samira M. put herself at risk of arrest for vagrancy or, if her employer had wished to punish her with a false accusation, arrest for theft, as well as risk of recruitment into prostitution, or rape if she was forced to spend the night on the street. She was lucky. She told Human Rights Watch that police at the Casablanca train station found her crying and asked her whether she wanted to return to the house where she worked. When she said no, they searched her “to see if I had stolen anything,” and when they found she only had one loaf of bread with her, they took her to a local nongovernmental organization (NGO) working with street children, including former child domestics.
Posted by
7:22 PM
Is it me standing here at the sill of your door?
Or is it some transparent shadow
Returning aghast from the hollow pit of time?
I cannot know whither I belonged ere this time.
Nor do I know who on earth I am.
Time is the disease of the flesh
And life is so transient and so slippery.
What on earth could I do in your awesome presence?
And what could I possibly say?
Words crowding at the tip of my tongue,
I cannot, to my disgrace, utter your name.
Benumbed am I and to your pitiying looks
I am damn naught but an eccentric fool.
Fools are no foolish were not there
Mortals to assume they are fool.
And beauty is no beautiful
Were not there eyes to behold.
There, in front of me you are standing
And your frail body ashaking
I can see millions of querries
In the lustrous glow of your eyes
Querries I know and others I know not.
Perchance you are wondering what brought me here.
And whither was my shelter after all this gloom.
Or haply your little heart is throbbing
Bewildered at this unexpected turn of doom.
Mohamed Chhilif
Posted by
4:20 PM
Iraqi Plight
It was dark as darkness could be
Smells of gunpowder and human flesh
Permeating the air to form a stench
As ugly as any unholy alchemy
Cries of pain and agony
Bodies scattered in every street and alley
Disfigured, rotten and swollen!
Feverish soldiers in a hell of a frenzy
Shooting in all directions, shooting to kill
Any living soul: man, woman, boy and lassie
Hovering planes launched bombs
To flatten to earth any desolate house or shanty
Explosions here and explosions there
Innocent souls silenced to death
Hateful GI's armed to the teeth
Entered mosques and slayed worshippers
Kicked, trod and spat on holy books
And like dirty swines urinated all over the place.
Mohamed Chhilif
Posted by
3:55 PM